Biofit Components List by page 3

Part No. Item Description Category Sub Category RFQ
GGC-M-R-ATF-MAR 35Z951 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTT-H-R-K-MBLU 35Z996 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 27"" to... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTS-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO4-P28605 20Y844 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-M-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO5-P28540 20Y859 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTA-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO5-P28542 36A045 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EEA-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO4-P28605 36A138 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO6-P28540 36A083 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTA-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO4-P28605 36A052 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EEA-M-RC-T-ATF-XA-06-NH333 36A109 Cloth Ergonomic Chair with 19 in to 26 in Seat Hei... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EEA-M-RC-T-ATF-XA-ISO5-P28605 36A132 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-H-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO6-P28540 36A086 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 27 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTT-M-R-K-MBLU 35Z994 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19"" to... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EEA-H-RC-T-ATF-XA-ISO4-P28540 36A145 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 22 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EEA-H-RC-T-ATF-XA-ISO6-P28605 36A126 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 22 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EEA-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO6-P28542 36A119 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTA-M-RC-T-ATF-XA-ISO6-P28540 36A041 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EET-L-R-K-MBLU 36A075 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17"" to... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTS-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO6-P28542 35Z998 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-L-RC-T-XF-XA-06-P28542 36A060 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTA-H-RC-T-ATF-XA-ISO4-P28605 36A058 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 22 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO5-P28540 36A089 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-M-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO4-P28542 36A096 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-H-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO4-P28542 36A099 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 27 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTA-M-RC-T-ATF-XA-ISO4-P28542 36A054 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EEA-M-RC-T-ATF-XA-ISO4-P28542 36A140 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTA-M-RC-T-ATF-XA-06-NH369 36A025 Cloth Ergonomic Chair with 19 in to 26 in Seat Hei... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTA-L-RC-T-XF-XA-06-NH369 36A023 Cloth Ergonomic Chair with 17 in to 22 in Seat Hei... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTA-H-RC-T-ATF-XA-ISO5-P28540 36A050 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 22 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTS-M-RC-T-XF-XA-06-NH333 35Z986 Cloth Ergonomic Chair with 19 in to 26 in Seat Hei... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
GGT-L-R-CR10-NAVY 35Z943 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTT-H-R-K-MBLK 35Z997 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 27"" to... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EEA-H-RC-T-ATF-XA-06-P28605 36A111 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 22 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO6-P28542 36A081 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EET-M-R-K-MBLK 36A078 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19"" to... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EEA-M-RC-T-ATF-XA-ISO5-P28542 36A131 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-M-RC-T-XF-XA-06-NH333 36A069 Cloth Ergonomic Chair with 19 in to 26 in Seat Hei... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
GGT-H-R-MAR 35Z931 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-H-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO4-P28605 36A101 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 27 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EEC-L-R-K-MBLK 36A116 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17"" to... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
GGT-H-R-1000-MAR 35Z939 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
GGS-L-RC-T-XF-XA-06-BLK 35Z927 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
GGC-H-R-ATF-CR10-MAR 35Z975 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO4-P28542 36A093 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTC-M-R-ATF-K-MBLK 20Y850 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19"" to... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EET-H-R-K-MBLU 36A079 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 27"" to... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
GGT-M-R-1000-NAVY 20Y836 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTS-H-RC-T-XF-XA-06-NH369 35Z990 Cloth Ergonomic Chair with 27 in to 32 in Seat Hei... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
GGC-M-R-ATF-NAVY 35Z952 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-H-RC-T-XF-XA-06-NH333 36A074 Cloth Ergonomic Chair with 27 in to 32 in Seat Hei... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO4-P28540 36A095 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTS-H-RC-T-XF-XA-06-NH333 35Z991 Cloth Ergonomic Chair with 27 in to 32 in Seat Hei... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTS-H-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO5-P28540 36A013 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 27 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTS-L-RC-T-XF-XA-06-NH333 35Z981 Cloth Ergonomic Chair with 17 in to 22 in Seat Hei... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTC-L-R-K-MBLU 36A032 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17"" to... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
GGS-L-RK-T-XF-XA-K-BLK 35Z956 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTS-M-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO6-P28605 20Y841 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO5-P28542 36A087 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
GGA-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO6-BLK 35Z959 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
GGA-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO4-BLK 35Z968 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-H-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO5-P28542 36A090 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 27 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EEA-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO6-P28605 36A120 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
GGT-H-R-CR10-NAVY 35Z946 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EET-M-R-K-MBLU 36A077 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19"" to... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
GGC-M-R-ATF-1000-NAVY 35Z964 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
GGA-L-RC-T-XF-XA-06-BLK 35Z947 Polypropylene (Antimicrobial) Ergonomic Chair with... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-H-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO6-P28542 36A084 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 27 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTS-M-RC-T-XF-XA-06-P28605 35Z983 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EEA-H-RC-T-ATF-XA-ISO5-P28605 36A135 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 22 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTS-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO6-P28540 36A001 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-H-RC-T-XF-XA-06-P28540 36A072 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 27 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-L-RC-T-XF-XA-06-NH369 36A063 Cloth Ergonomic Chair with 17 in to 22 in Seat Hei... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTA-L-RC-T-XF-XA-06-P28605 36A021 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTS-H-RC-T-XF-XA-06-P28605 35Z988 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 27 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTT-L-R-K-MBLU 35Z992 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17"" to... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTA-L-RC-T-XF-XA-06-NH333 36A024 Cloth Ergonomic Chair with 17 in to 22 in Seat Hei... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EEA-M-RC-T-ATF-XA-ISO4-P28605 36A141 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-M-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO6-P28605 20Y855 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 19 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
BTA-H-RC-T-ATF-XA-ISO4-P28542 36A057 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 22 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EES-L-RC-T-XF-XA-ISO6-P28605 36A082 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 17 in t... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
EET-H-R-K-MBLK 36A080 Vinyl (Antibacterial) Ergonomic Chair with 27"" to... Lab Furniture Lab, ESD and Cl... RFQ
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